210 lines
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210 lines
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using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Text.Json;
using CommonSocketLibrary.Abstract;
using CommonSocketLibrary.Common;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using Serilog;
using TwitchChatTTS.OBS.Socket.Data;
namespace TwitchChatTTS.OBS.Socket.Manager
public class OBSManager
private IDictionary<string, RequestData> _requests;
private IDictionary<string, IDictionary<string, long>> _sourceIds;
private IServiceProvider _serviceProvider;
private ILogger _logger;
public OBSManager(IServiceProvider serviceProvider, ILogger logger)
_serviceProvider = serviceProvider;
_logger = logger;
_requests = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, RequestData>();
_sourceIds = new Dictionary<string, IDictionary<string, long>>();
public void AddSourceId(string sceneName, string sourceName, long sourceId)
if (!_sourceIds.TryGetValue(sceneName, out var scene))
scene = new Dictionary<string, long>();
_sourceIds.Add(sceneName, scene);
if (scene.ContainsKey(sourceName))
scene[sourceName] = sourceId;
scene.Add(sourceName, sourceId);
public async Task Send(IEnumerable<RequestMessage> messages)
string uid = GenerateUniqueIdentifier();
_logger.Debug($"Sending OBS request batch of {messages.Count()} messages [obsid: {uid}].");
// Keep track of requests to know what we requested.
foreach (var message in messages)
message.RequestId = GenerateUniqueIdentifier();
var data = new RequestData(message, uid);
_requests.Add(message.RequestId, data);
_logger.Debug($"Generated uid for all OBS request messages in batch [obsid: {uid}]: {string.Join(", ", messages.Select(m => m.RequestType + "=" + m.RequestId))}");
var client = _serviceProvider.GetRequiredKeyedService<SocketClient<WebSocketMessage>>("obs");
await client.Send(8, new RequestBatchMessage(uid, messages));
public async Task Send(RequestMessage message, Action<Dictionary<string, object>>? callback = null)
string uid = GenerateUniqueIdentifier();
_logger.Debug($"Sending an OBS request [obsid: {uid}]");
// Keep track of requests to know what we requested.
message.RequestId = GenerateUniqueIdentifier();
var data = new RequestData(message, uid)
Callback = callback
_requests.Add(message.RequestId, data);
var client = _serviceProvider.GetRequiredKeyedService<SocketClient<WebSocketMessage>>("obs");
await client.Send(6, message);
public RequestData? Take(string id)
if (id != null && _requests.TryGetValue(id, out var request))
return request;
return null;
public async Task UpdateTransformation(string sceneName, string sceneItemName, Action<OBSTransformationData> action)
var m1 = new RequestMessage("GetSceneItemId", string.Empty, new Dictionary<string, object>() { { "sceneName", sceneName }, { "sourceName", sceneItemName } });
await Send(m1, async (d) =>
if (!d.TryGetValue("sceneItemId", out object value) || !long.TryParse(value.ToString(), out long sceneItemId))
_logger.Debug($"Fetched scene item id from OBS [scene: {sceneName}][sceneItemName: {sceneItemName}][obsid: {m1.RequestId}]: {sceneItemId}");
var m2 = new RequestMessage("GetSceneItemTransform", string.Empty, new Dictionary<string, object>() { { "sceneName", sceneName }, { "sceneItemId", sceneItemId } });
await Send(m2, async (d) =>
if (d == null)
if (!d.TryGetValue("sceneItemTransform", out object transformData))
_logger.Verbose($"Current transformation data [scene: {sceneName}][sceneItemName: {sceneItemName}][sceneItemId: {sceneItemId}][obsid: {m2.RequestId}]: {transformData}");
var transform = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<OBSTransformationData>(transformData.ToString(), new JsonSerializerOptions()
PropertyNameCaseInsensitive = false,
PropertyNamingPolicy = JsonNamingPolicy.CamelCase
if (transform == null)
_logger.Warning($"Could not deserialize the transformation data received by OBS [scene: {sceneName}][sceneItemName: {sceneItemName}][sceneItemId: {sceneItemId}][obsid: {m2.RequestId}].");
//double fr = (transform.Rotation + rotation) % 360;
double w = transform.Width;
double h = transform.Height;
// double ox = w * Math.Cos(r) - h * Math.Sin(r);
// double oy = w * Math.Sin(r) + h * Math.Cos(r);
//var oo = (fr > 45 && fr < 225 ? 0 : 1);
// var ww = fr >= 135 && fr < 225 ? h : w;
// var hh = fr >= 315 || fr < 45 ? h : w;
//double dx = h * Math.Sin(r);
//double dy = w * Math.Cos(fr > 90 && fr < 270 ? Math.PI - r : r); // * (fr >= 135 && fr < 225 || fr >= 315 || fr <= 45 ? -1 : 1);
int a = transform.Alignment;
bool hasBounds = transform.BoundsType != "OBS_BOUNDS_NONE";
if (hasBounds)
// Take care of bounds, for most cases.
// 'Crop to Bounding Box' might be unsupported.
w = transform.BoundsWidth;
h = transform.BoundsHeight;
a = transform.BoundsAlignment;
else if (transform.CropBottom + transform.CropLeft + transform.CropRight + transform.CropTop > 0)
w -= transform.CropLeft + transform.CropRight;
h -= transform.CropTop + transform.CropBottom;
if (a != (int)OBSAlignment.Center)
if (hasBounds)
transform.BoundsAlignment = a = (int)OBSAlignment.Center;
transform.Alignment = a = (int)OBSAlignment.Center;
transform.PositionX = transform.PositionX + w / 2;
transform.PositionY = transform.PositionY + h / 2;
// double ax = w * Math.Cos(ir) - h * Math.Sin(ir);
// double ay = w * Math.Sin(ir) + h * Math.Cos(ir);
// _logger.Information($"ax: {ax} ay: {ay}");
// double bx = w * Math.Cos(r) - h * Math.Sin(r);
// double by = w * Math.Sin(r) + h * Math.Cos(r);
// _logger.Information($"bx: {bx} by: {by}");
// double ddx = bx - ax;
// double ddy = by - ay;
// _logger.Information($"dx: {ddx} dy: {ddy}");
// double arctan = Math.Atan(ddy / ddx);
// _logger.Information("Angle: " + arctan);
// var xs = new int[] { 0, 0, 1, 1 };
// var ys = new int[] { 0, 1, 1, 0 };
// int i = ((int)Math.Floor(fr / 90) + 8) % 4;
// double dx = xs[i] * w * Math.Cos(rad) - ys[i] * h * Math.Sin(rad);
// double dy = xs[i] * w * Math.Sin(rad) + ys[i] * h * Math.Cos(rad);
//transform.Rotation = fr;
//_logger.Information($"w: {w} h: {h} fr: {fr} r: {r} rot: {rotation}");
//_logger.Information($"dx: {dx} ox: {ox} oox: {oox}");
//_logger.Information($"dy: {dy} oy: {oy} ooy: {ooy}");
var m3 = new RequestMessage("SetSceneItemTransform", string.Empty, new Dictionary<string, object>() { { "sceneName", sceneName }, { "sceneItemId", sceneItemId }, { "sceneItemTransform", transform } });
await Send(m3);
private string GenerateUniqueIdentifier()
return Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N");
public class RequestData
public RequestMessage Message { get; }
public string ParentId { get; }
public Dictionary<string, object> ResponseValues { get; set; }
public Action<Dictionary<string, object>>? Callback { get; set; }
public RequestData(RequestMessage message, string parentId)
Message = message;
ParentId = parentId;