using System.Text.Json; using TwitchChatTTS.Helpers; using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging; using TwitchChatTTS; using TwitchLib.Api.Core.Exceptions; using TwitchLib.Client.Events; using TwitchLib.Client.Models; using TwitchLib.Communication.Events; using static TwitchChatTTS.Configuration; using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection; using CommonSocketLibrary.Abstract; using CommonSocketLibrary.Common; using TwitchLib.PubSub.Interfaces; using TwitchLib.Client.Interfaces; using TwitchChatTTS.OBS.Socket; public class TwitchApiClient { private readonly Configuration _configuration; private readonly ILogger _logger; private readonly TwitchBotToken _token; private readonly ITwitchClient _client; private readonly ITwitchPubSub _publisher; private readonly WebClientWrap Web; private readonly IServiceProvider _serviceProvider; private bool Initialized; public TwitchApiClient( Configuration configuration, ILogger logger, TwitchBotToken token, ITwitchClient twitchClient, ITwitchPubSub twitchPublisher, IServiceProvider serviceProvider ) { _configuration = configuration; _logger = logger; _token = token; _client = twitchClient; _publisher = twitchPublisher; _serviceProvider = serviceProvider; Initialized = false; Web = new WebClientWrap(new JsonSerializerOptions() { PropertyNameCaseInsensitive = false, PropertyNamingPolicy = JsonNamingPolicy.SnakeCaseLower }); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_configuration.Hermes?.Token)) Web.AddHeader("x-api-key", _configuration.Hermes.Token.Trim()); } public async Task Authorize() { try { var authorize = await Web.GetJson(""); if (authorize != null && _token.BroadcasterId == authorize.BroadcasterId) { _token.AccessToken = authorize.AccessToken; _token.RefreshToken = authorize.RefreshToken; _logger.LogInformation("Updated Twitch API tokens."); } else if (authorize != null) { _logger.LogError("Twitch API Authorization failed."); } } catch (HttpResponseException e) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_configuration.Hermes?.Token)) _logger.LogError("No Hermes API key found. Enter it into the configuration file."); else _logger.LogError("Invalid Hermes API key. Double check the token. HTTP Error Code: " + e.HttpResponse.StatusCode); } catch (JsonException) { } catch (Exception e) { _logger.LogError(e, "Failed to authorize to Twitch API."); } } public async Task Connect() { _client.Connect(); await _publisher.ConnectAsync(); } public void InitializeClient(string username, IEnumerable channels) { ConnectionCredentials credentials = new ConnectionCredentials(username, _token?.AccessToken); _client.Initialize(credentials, channels.Distinct().ToList()); if (Initialized) { _logger.LogDebug("Twitch API client has already been initialized."); return; } Initialized = true; _client.OnJoinedChannel += async Task (object? s, OnJoinedChannelArgs e) => { _logger.LogInformation("Joined channel: " + e.Channel); }; _client.OnConnected += async Task (object? s, OnConnectedArgs e) => { _logger.LogInformation("-----------------------------------------------------------"); }; _client.OnIncorrectLogin += async Task (object? s, OnIncorrectLoginArgs e) => { _logger.LogError(e.Exception, "Incorrect Login on Twitch API client."); _logger.LogInformation("Attempting to re-authorize."); await Authorize(); }; _client.OnConnectionError += async Task (object? s, OnConnectionErrorArgs e) => { _logger.LogError("Connection Error: " + e.Error.Message + " (" + e.Error.GetType().Name + ")"); _logger.LogInformation("Attempting to re-authorize."); await Authorize(); }; _client.OnError += async Task (object? s, OnErrorEventArgs e) => { _logger.LogError(e.Exception, "Twitch API client error."); }; } public void InitializePublisher() { _publisher.OnPubSubServiceConnected += async (s, e) => { _publisher.ListenToChannelPoints(_token.BroadcasterId); _publisher.ListenToFollows(_token.BroadcasterId); await _publisher.SendTopicsAsync(_token.AccessToken); _logger.LogInformation("Twitch PubSub has been connected."); }; _publisher.OnFollow += (s, e) => { var client = _serviceProvider.GetRequiredKeyedService>("obs") as OBSSocketClient; if (_configuration.Twitch?.TtsWhenOffline != true && client?.Live == false) return; _logger.LogInformation("Follow: " + e.DisplayName); }; _publisher.OnChannelPointsRewardRedeemed += (s, e) => { var client = _serviceProvider.GetRequiredKeyedService>("obs") as OBSSocketClient; if (_configuration.Twitch?.TtsWhenOffline != true && client?.Live == false) return; _logger.LogInformation($"Channel Point Reward Redeemed: {e.RewardRedeemed.Redemption.Reward.Title} (id: {e.RewardRedeemed.Redemption.Id})"); if (_configuration.Twitch?.Redeems == null) { _logger.LogDebug("No redeems found in the configuration."); return; } var redeemName = e.RewardRedeemed.Redemption.Reward.Title.ToLower().Trim().Replace(" ", "-"); if (!_configuration.Twitch.Redeems.TryGetValue(redeemName, out RedeemConfiguration? redeem)) return; if (redeem == null) return; // Write or append to file if needed. var outputFile = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(redeem.OutputFilePath) ? null : redeem.OutputFilePath.Trim(); if (outputFile == null) { _logger.LogDebug($"No output file was provided for redeem '{e.RewardRedeemed.Redemption.Reward.Title}'."); } else { var outputContent = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(redeem.OutputContent) ? null : redeem.OutputContent.Trim().Replace("%USER%", e.RewardRedeemed.Redemption.User.DisplayName).Replace("\\n", "\n"); if (outputContent == null) { _logger.LogWarning($"No output content was provided for redeem '{e.RewardRedeemed.Redemption.Reward.Title}'."); } else { if (redeem.OutputAppend == true) { File.AppendAllText(outputFile, outputContent + "\n"); } else { File.WriteAllText(outputFile, outputContent); } } } // Play audio file if needed. var audioFile = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(redeem.AudioFilePath) ? null : redeem.AudioFilePath.Trim(); if (audioFile == null) { _logger.LogDebug($"No audio file was provided for redeem '{e.RewardRedeemed.Redemption.Reward.Title}'."); return; } if (!File.Exists(audioFile)) { _logger.LogWarning($"Cannot find audio file @ {audioFile} for redeem '{e.RewardRedeemed.Redemption.Reward.Title}'."); return; } AudioPlaybackEngine.Instance.PlaySound(audioFile); }; /*int psConnectionFailures = 0; publisher.OnPubSubServiceError += async (s, e) => { Console.WriteLine("PubSub ran into a service error. Attempting to connect again."); await Task.Delay(Math.Min(3000 + (1 << psConnectionFailures), 120000)); var connect = await WebHelper.Get(""); if ((int) connect.StatusCode == 200 || (int) connect.StatusCode == 201) { psConnectionFailures = 0; } else { psConnectionFailures++; } var twitchBotData2 = await WebHelper.GetJson(""); if (twitchBotData2 == null) { Console.WriteLine("The API is down. Contact the owner."); return; } twitchBotData.access_token = twitchBotData2.access_token; await pubsub.ConnectAsync(); };*/ } public void AddOnNewMessageReceived(AsyncEventHandler handler) { _client.OnMessageReceived += handler; } }