using CommonSocketLibrary.Abstract; using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection; using Serilog; using TwitchChatTTS.Hermes.Socket; using TwitchChatTTS.Twitch.Socket; using TwitchChatTTS.Twitch.Socket.Messages; using static TwitchChatTTS.Chat.Commands.TTSCommands; namespace TwitchChatTTS.Chat.Commands { public class TTSCommand : IChatCommand { private readonly TwitchWebsocketClient _twitch; private readonly User _user; private readonly TwitchApiClient _client; private readonly ILogger _logger; public TTSCommand( [FromKeyedServices("twitch")] SocketClient twitch, User user, TwitchApiClient client, ILogger logger) { _twitch = (twitch as TwitchWebsocketClient)!; _user = user; _client = client; _logger = logger; } public string Name => "tts"; public void Build(ICommandBuilder builder) { builder.CreateCommandTree(Name, b => { b.CreateStaticInputParameter("add", b => { b.CreateUnvalidatedParameter("voiceName") .CreateCommand(new AddTTSVoiceCommand(_user, _logger)); }) .AddAlias("insert", "add") .CreateStaticInputParameter("delete", b => { b.CreateVoiceNameParameter("voiceName", false) .CreateCommand(new DeleteTTSVoiceCommand(_user, _logger)); }) .AddAlias("del", "delete") .AddAlias("remove", "delete") .CreateStaticInputParameter("enable", b => { b.CreateVoiceNameParameter("voiceName", false) .CreateCommand(new SetTTSVoiceStateCommand(true, _user, _logger)); }) .AddAlias("on", "enable") .AddAlias("enabled", "enable") .AddAlias("true", "enable") .CreateStaticInputParameter("disable", b => { b.CreateVoiceNameParameter("voiceName", true) .CreateCommand(new SetTTSVoiceStateCommand(false, _user, _logger)); }) .AddAlias("off", "disable") .AddAlias("disabled", "disable") .AddAlias("false", "disable") .CreateStaticInputParameter("join", b => { b.CreateMentionParameter("mention", true) .AddPermission("tts.commands.tts.join") .CreateCommand(new JoinRoomCommand(_twitch, _client, _user, _logger)); }) .CreateStaticInputParameter("leave", b => { b.CreateMentionParameter("mention", true) .AddPermission("tts.commands.tts.leave") .CreateCommand(new LeaveRoomCommand(_twitch, _client, _user, _logger)); }); }); } private sealed class AddTTSVoiceCommand : IChatPartialCommand { private readonly User _user; private readonly ILogger _logger; public bool AcceptCustomPermission { get => false; } public AddTTSVoiceCommand(User user, ILogger logger) { _user = user; _logger = logger; } public async Task Execute(IDictionary values, ChannelChatMessage message, HermesSocketClient client) { if (_user == null || _user.VoicesAvailable == null) return; var voiceName = values["voiceName"]; var voiceNameLower = voiceName.ToLower(); var exists = _user.VoicesAvailable.Any(v => v.Value.ToLower() == voiceNameLower); if (exists) { _logger.Warning($"Voice already exists [voice: {voiceName}][id: {message.ChatterUserId}]"); return; } await client.CreateTTSVoice(voiceName); _logger.Information($"Added a new TTS voice [voice: {voiceName}][creator: {message.ChatterUserLogin}][creator id: {message.ChatterUserId}]"); } } private sealed class DeleteTTSVoiceCommand : IChatPartialCommand { private readonly User _user; private ILogger _logger; public bool AcceptCustomPermission { get => false; } public DeleteTTSVoiceCommand(User user, ILogger logger) { _user = user; _logger = logger; } public async Task Execute(IDictionary values, ChannelChatMessage message, HermesSocketClient client) { if (_user == null || _user.VoicesAvailable == null) { _logger.Warning($"Voices available are not loaded [chatter: {message.ChatterUserLogin}][chatter id: {message.ChatterUserId}]"); return; } var voiceName = values["voiceName"]; var voiceNameLower = voiceName.ToLower(); var exists = _user.VoicesAvailable.Any(v => v.Value.ToLower() == voiceNameLower); if (!exists) { _logger.Warning($"Voice does not exist [voice: {voiceName}][chatter: {message.ChatterUserLogin}][chatter id: {message.ChatterUserId}]"); return; } var voiceId = _user.VoicesAvailable.FirstOrDefault(v => v.Value.ToLower() == voiceNameLower).Key; if (voiceId == null) { _logger.Warning($"Could not find the identifier for the tts voice [voice name: {voiceName}]"); return; } await client.DeleteTTSVoice(voiceId); _logger.Information($"Deleted a TTS voice [voice: {voiceName}][chatter: {message.ChatterUserLogin}][chatter id: {message.ChatterUserId}]"); } } private sealed class SetTTSVoiceStateCommand : IChatPartialCommand { private bool _state; private readonly User _user; private ILogger _logger; public bool AcceptCustomPermission { get => true; } public SetTTSVoiceStateCommand(bool state, User user, ILogger logger) { _state = state; _user = user; _logger = logger; } public async Task Execute(IDictionary values, ChannelChatMessage message, HermesSocketClient client) { if (_user == null || _user.VoicesAvailable == null) return; var voiceName = values["voiceName"]; var voiceNameLower = voiceName.ToLower(); var voiceId = _user.VoicesAvailable.FirstOrDefault(v => v.Value.ToLower() == voiceNameLower).Key; await client.UpdateTTSVoiceState(voiceId, _state); _logger.Information($"Changed state for TTS voice [voice: {voiceName}][state: {_state}][invoker: {message.ChatterUserLogin}][id: {message.ChatterUserId}]"); } } private sealed class JoinRoomCommand : IChatPartialCommand { private readonly TwitchWebsocketClient _twitch; private readonly TwitchApiClient _client; private readonly User _user; private ILogger _logger; public bool AcceptCustomPermission { get => true; } public JoinRoomCommand( [FromKeyedServices("twitch")] SocketClient twitch, TwitchApiClient client, User user, ILogger logger ) { _twitch = (twitch as TwitchWebsocketClient)!; _client = client; _user = user; _logger = logger; } public async Task Execute(IDictionary values, ChannelChatMessage message, HermesSocketClient client) { var mention = values["mention"].ToLower(); var fragment = message.Message.Fragments.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Mention != null && f.Text.ToLower() == mention); if (fragment == null) { _logger.Warning("Cannot find the channel to join chat with."); return; } string targetUserId = fragment.Mention!.UserId; if (targetUserId == _user.TwitchUserId.ToString()) { _logger.Warning("Cannot join yourself."); return; } string targetUserLogin = fragment.Mention!.UserLogin; string[] subscriptions = ["", "", ""]; foreach (var subscription in subscriptions) await Subscribe(subscription, targetUserId, targetUserLogin, async () => await _client.CreateEventSubscription(subscription, "1", _twitch.SessionId, _user.TwitchUserId.ToString(), targetUserId)); await Subscribe("", targetUserId, targetUserLogin, async () => await _client.CreateChannelRaidEventSubscription("1", _twitch.SessionId, targetUserId)); _logger.Information($"Joined chat room [channel: {fragment.Mention.UserLogin}][channel: {targetUserLogin}][channel id: {targetUserId}][invoker: {message.ChatterUserLogin}][id: {message.ChatterUserId}]"); } private async Task Subscribe(string subscription, string targetId, string targetName, Func?>> subscribe) { _logger.Debug($"Attempting to subscribe to Twitch events [subscription: {subscription}][target channel: {targetName}][target channel id: {targetId}]"); var data = await subscribe.Invoke(); var info = data?.Data?.FirstOrDefault(); if (info == null) { _logger.Warning("Could not find the subscription id."); return; } _twitch.AddSubscription(targetId, subscription, info.Id); } } private sealed class LeaveRoomCommand : IChatPartialCommand { private readonly TwitchWebsocketClient _twitch; private readonly TwitchApiClient _client; private readonly User _user; private ILogger _logger; public bool AcceptCustomPermission { get => true; } public LeaveRoomCommand( [FromKeyedServices("twitch")] SocketClient twitch, TwitchApiClient client, User user, ILogger logger ) { _twitch = (twitch as TwitchWebsocketClient)!; _client = client; _user = user; _logger = logger; } public async Task Execute(IDictionary values, ChannelChatMessage message, HermesSocketClient client) { var mention = values["mention"].ToLower(); var fragment = message.Message.Fragments.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Mention != null && f.Text.ToLower() == mention); if (fragment?.Mention == null) { _logger.Warning("Cannot find the channel to leave chat from."); return; } string targetUserId = fragment.Mention!.UserId!; if (targetUserId == _user.TwitchUserId.ToString()) { _logger.Warning("Cannot join yourself."); return; } string[] subscriptions = ["", "", "", ""]; foreach (var subscription in subscriptions) { var subscriptionId = _twitch.GetSubscriptionId(targetUserId, subscription); if (subscriptionId == null) { _logger.Warning($"Cannot find the subscription for that channel [subscription: {subscription}]"); continue; } try { await _client.DeleteEventSubscription(subscriptionId); _twitch.RemoveSubscription(targetUserId, subscription); _logger.Information($"Left chat room [channel: {fragment.Mention.UserLogin}][channel id: {targetUserId}][invoker: {message.ChatterUserLogin}][id: {message.ChatterUserId}]"); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.Error(ex, $"Failed to delete the subscription from Twitch [subscription: {subscription}][subscription id: {subscriptionId}]"); } } } } } }