200 lines
7.3 KiB
200 lines
7.3 KiB
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using TwitchLib.Client.Events;
using TwitchChatTTS.Hermes;
public class ChatMessageHandler {
private TTSPlayer Player { get; }
public string DefaultVoice { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<TTSVoice> EnabledVoices { get; }
public Dictionary<string, TTSUsernameFilter> UsernameFilters { get; }
public IEnumerable<TTSWordFilter> WordFilters { get; }
private Regex voicesRegex;
private Regex sfxRegex;
public ChatMessageHandler(TTSPlayer player, string defaultVoice, IEnumerable<TTSVoice> enabledVoices, Dictionary<string, TTSUsernameFilter> usernameFilters, IEnumerable<TTSWordFilter> wordFilters) {
Player = player;
DefaultVoice = defaultVoice;
EnabledVoices = enabledVoices;
UsernameFilters = usernameFilters;
WordFilters = wordFilters;
voicesRegex = GenerateEnabledVoicesRegex();
sfxRegex = new Regex(@"\(([A-Za-z0-9_-]+)\)");
public MessageResult Handle(OnMessageReceivedArgs e) {
var m = e.ChatMessage;
var msg = e.ChatMessage.Message;
// Skip TTS messages
if ((m.IsVip || m.IsModerator || m.IsBroadcaster) && (msg.ToLower().StartsWith("!skip ") || msg.ToLower() == "!skip")) {
return MessageResult.Skip;
if (UsernameFilters.TryGetValue(m.Username, out TTSUsernameFilter filter) && filter.tag == "blacklisted") {
return MessageResult.Blocked;
// Ensure we can send it via the web.
var alphanumeric = new Regex(@"[^a-zA-Z0-9!@#$%&\^*+\-_(),+':;?.,\[\]\s\\/~`]");
msg = alphanumeric.Replace(msg, "");
// Filter highly repetitive words (like emotes) from the message.
var words = msg.Split(" ");
var wordCounter = new Dictionary<string, int>();
string filteredMsg = string.Empty;
foreach (var w in words) {
if (wordCounter.ContainsKey(w)) {
} else {
wordCounter.Add(w, 1);
if (wordCounter[w] < 5) {
filteredMsg += w + " ";
msg = filteredMsg;
foreach (var wf in WordFilters) {
if (wf.IsRegex) {
try {
var regex = new Regex(wf.search);
msg = regex.Replace(msg, wf.replace);
} catch (Exception ex) {
wf.IsRegex = false;
msg = msg.Replace(wf.search, wf.replace);
int priority = 0;
if (m.IsStaff) {
priority = int.MinValue;
} else if (filter?.tag == "priority") {
priority = int.MinValue + 1;
} else if (m.IsModerator) {
priority = -100;
} else if (m.IsVip) {
priority = -10;
} else if (m.IsPartner) {
priority = -5;
} else if (m.IsHighlighted) {
priority = -1;
priority = (int) Math.Round(Math.Min(priority, -m.SubscribedMonthCount * (m.Badges.Any(b => b.Key == "subscriber" && b.Value == "1") ? 1.2 : 1)));
var matches = voicesRegex.Matches(msg);
int defaultEnd = matches.FirstOrDefault()?.Index ?? msg.Length;
if (defaultEnd > 0) {
HandlePartialMessage(priority, DefaultVoice, msg.Substring(0, defaultEnd).Trim(), e);
foreach (Match match in matches) {
var message = match.Groups[2].ToString();
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(message)) {
var voice = match.Groups[1].ToString();
voice = voice[0].ToString().ToUpper() + voice.Substring(1).ToLower();
HandlePartialMessage(priority, voice, message.Trim(), e);
return MessageResult.None;
private void HandlePartialMessage(int priority, string voice, string message, OnMessageReceivedArgs e) {
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(message)) {
var m = e.ChatMessage;
var parts = sfxRegex.Split(message);
var badgesString = string.Join(", ", e.ChatMessage.Badges.Select(b => b.Key + " = " + b.Value));
if (parts.Length == 1) {
Console.WriteLine($"Voice: {voice}; Priority: {priority}; Message: {message}; Month: {m.SubscribedMonthCount}; {badgesString}");
Player.Add(new TTSMessage() {
Voice = voice,
Message = message,
Moderator = m.IsModerator,
Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow,
Username = m.Username,
Bits = m.Bits,
Badges = m.Badges,
Priority = priority
var sfxMatches = sfxRegex.Matches(message);
var sfxStart = sfxMatches.FirstOrDefault()?.Index ?? message.Length;
for (var i = 0; i < sfxMatches.Count; i++) {
var sfxMatch = sfxMatches[i];
var sfxName = sfxMatch.Groups[1]?.ToString()?.ToLower();
if (!File.Exists("sfx/" + sfxName + ".mp3")) {
parts[i * 2 + 2] = parts[i * 2] + " (" + parts[i * 2 + 1] + ")" + parts[i * 2 + 2];
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(parts[i * 2])) {
Console.WriteLine($"Voice: {voice}; Priority: {priority}; Message: {parts[i * 2]}; Month: {m.SubscribedMonthCount}; {badgesString}");
Player.Add(new TTSMessage() {
Voice = voice,
Message = parts[i * 2],
Moderator = m.IsModerator,
Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow,
Username = m.Username,
Bits = m.Bits,
Badges = m.Badges,
Priority = priority
Console.WriteLine($"Voice: {voice}; Priority: {priority}; SFX: {sfxName}; Month: {m.SubscribedMonthCount}; {badgesString}");
Player.Add(new TTSMessage() {
Voice = voice,
Message = sfxName,
File = $"sfx/{sfxName}.mp3",
Moderator = m.IsModerator,
Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow,
Username = m.Username,
Bits = m.Bits,
Badges = m.Badges,
Priority = priority
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(parts.Last())) {
Console.WriteLine($"Voice: {voice}; Priority: {priority}; Message: {parts.Last()}; Month: {m.SubscribedMonthCount}; {badgesString}");
Player.Add(new TTSMessage() {
Voice = voice,
Message = parts.Last(),
Moderator = m.IsModerator,
Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow,
Username = m.Username,
Bits = m.Bits,
Badges = m.Badges,
Priority = priority
private Regex GenerateEnabledVoicesRegex() {
if (EnabledVoices == null || EnabledVoices.Count() <= 0) {
return null;
var enabledVoicesString = string.Join("|", EnabledVoices.Select(v => v.label));
return new Regex($@"\b({enabledVoicesString})\:(.*?)(?=\Z|\b(?:{enabledVoicesString})\:)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
} |