"use client"; import axios from "axios"; import * as React from 'react'; import { useEffect, useState } from "react"; import { useSession } from "next-auth/react"; import GroupElement from "@/components/elements/group"; import RoleGate from "@/components/auth/role-gate"; const permissionPaths = [ { path: "tts", description: "Anything to do with TTS" }, { path: "tts.chat", description: "Anything to do with chat" }, { path: "tts.chat.bits.read", description: "To read chat messages with bits via TTS" }, { path: "tts.chat.messages.read", description: "To read chat messages via TTS" }, { path: "tts.chat.redemptions.read", description: "To read channel point redemption messages via TTS" }, //{ path: "tts.chat.subscriptions.read", description: "To read chat messages from subscriptions via TTS" }, { path: "tts.commands", description: "To execute commands for TTS" }, { path: "tts.commands.nightbot", description: "To use !nightbot command" }, { path: "tts.commands.obs", description: "To use !obs command" }, { path: "tts.commands.refresh", description: "To use !refresh command" }, { path: "tts.commands.skip", description: "To use !skip command" }, { path: "tts.commands.skipall", description: "To use !skipall command" }, { path: "tts.commands.tts", description: "To use !tts command" }, { path: "tts.commands.tts.join", description: "To use !tts join command" }, { path: "tts.commands.tts.leave", description: "To use !tts leave command" }, { path: "tts.commands.version", description: "To use !version command" }, { path: "tts.commands.voice", description: "To use !voice command" }, { path: "tts.commands.voice.admin", description: "To use !voice command on others" }, ].sort((a, b) => a.path.localeCompare(b.path)) const GroupPermissionPage = () => { const { data: session, status } = useSession(); const [previousUsername, setPreviousUsername] = useState<string | null>() const [groups, setGroups] = useState<{ id: string, name: string, priority: number }[]>([]) const [permissions, setPermissions] = useState<{ id: string, path: string, allow: boolean | null, groupId: string }[]>([]) const specialGroups = ["everyone", "subscribers", "vip", "moderators", "broadcaster"] function addGroup(id: string, name: string, priority: number) { setGroups([...groups, { id, name, priority }]) } function removeGroup(group: { id: string, name: string, priority: number }) { setGroups(groups.filter(g => g.id != group.id)) } function containsGroup(groupName: string) { return groups.some(g => g.name == groupName) } useEffect(() => { if (status !== "authenticated" || previousUsername == session.user?.name) return setPreviousUsername(session.user?.name) axios.get('/api/settings/groups') .then(d => { for (let groupName of specialGroups) if (!d.data.some((g: { id: string, name: string, priority: number }) => g.name == groupName)) d.data.push({ id: "$" + groupName, name: groupName, priority: 0 }); axios.get('/api/settings/groups/permissions') .then(d2 => { setPermissions(d2.data) setGroups(d.data) }) }) }, [session]) return ( <div> <div className="text-2xl text-center pt-[50px]">Groups & Permissions</div> <div className="grid sm:grid-cols-1 lg:grid-cols-2 xl:grid-cols-3 gap-3"> {groups.map(group => <div className="col-span-1" key={group.id}> <GroupElement id={group.id} name={group.name} priority={group.priority} permissionsLoaded={permissions.filter(p => p.groupId == group.id)} edit={group.id.startsWith('$')} showEdit={true} isNewGroup={group.id.startsWith('$')} permissionPaths={permissionPaths} specialGroups={specialGroups} adder={addGroup} remover={removeGroup} contains={containsGroup} /> </div> )} <div className="col-span-1"> <GroupElement id={undefined} name={""} priority={0} permissionsLoaded={[]} edit={true} showEdit={false} isNewGroup={true} permissionPaths={permissionPaths} specialGroups={specialGroups} adder={addGroup} remover={removeGroup} contains={containsGroup} /> </div> </div> </div> ); } export default GroupPermissionPage;